You didn’t start a business to use all of your energy putting out fires.

The Business Systems Overhaul is designed to help your business operations run (closer to) auto-pilot so you can use your time to book and serve the clients who set your soul aflame.

Over the next four months, I'll do a deep dive into the behind-the-scenes of your business to streamline, automate, and standardize so you can earn more while doing less.

✧ Shortly after our first call, you’ll be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief as you review our co-created roadmap for getting you out of the day-to-day and into long-term operations solutions.

✧ At the end of Month 1, your team will be on a shared project management tool so the right people can get the right tasks done by the right time.

✧ At the end of Month 2, you'll have a centralized database of information so you can stop searching through your disjointed Google Drive folders looking for "that one document!" you needed the day before yesterday.

✧ At the end of Month 3, you'll have comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures to support your team members in checking off their to-do lists on time and at the high quality you want for your business.

✧ At the end of Month 4, you'll have rinse-and-repeat systems for onboarding, lead generation, launches, and client retention so you finally have space to reflect, vision, and strategize as the CEO.

β€œSabrina was able to identify gaps in my business structure that I had not even considered, create solutions and work with me and my team to create systems that allowed for everyone’s needs to be heard, honored and met.

She is compassionate, firm and wildly knowledgable. She not only created systems for us, she also provided valuable customized educational tools for reference that we can access as we need. Sabrina took the time to individually connect with each of my team members, noting what was working and what current challenges were and presented them back to me in a compassionate and affirming manner that created a solid foundation for needed change.”

– Dr. Sahar Martinez
Founder & CEO of The Process Wellness Collective

How does it work?

Once I've completed an in-depth business audit and gap analysis so you know exactly which aspects of your business ecosystem need tending to, we'll solidify a customized workplan full of long-term operations solutions. I'll then get to work implementing the systems you've longed for but simply haven't had the time or knowledge to bring into reality: onboarding to a Project Management Tool, developing Standard Operating Procedures, building a centralized information database, designing automated workflows, defining sales funnels, creating customized project templates, streamlining communication among team members, and more!

The Business Systems Overhaul is for you if…

  • Your business grew more quickly than you expected, and now it’s time to create the foundational structure your team needs to sustain the magic;

  • You struggle to find time to reflect, vision, and strategize because you’re lost in the day-to-day;

  • You feel too spread-thin to make progress on your passion projects;

  • You want to return to your zone of genius instead of wearing 12 different hats;

  • You know your business operations need to be streamlined, but don’t even know what that would entail;

  • You started your business to do the work you love and honor your capacity, but instead, you’re teetering on the edge of burnout;

  • Your daily routine involves fluttering from urgent task to urgent task until suddenly it’s 7pm and your eyes are strained from staring at a screen;

I am an Online Business Manager who doesn’t believe in efficiency just for the sake of efficiency.

I’m not here to steer you towards a capitalist mindset of always maximizing profits, analyzing KPIs because you need to constantly be exceeding your goals, and automating tasks so you can do away with paying human beings the wages they deserve.

My work is simply centered on the notion that your world-changing work is already hard. So why not do everything we can to make the logistics easier?

I want you to nurture a thriving business without sacrificing your grounding morning routine or undercutting your deeply held values.

I believe it’s possible to create the change you wish to see in the world while honoring your capacity and resisting over-work.

And tbh, as a former Virtual Assistant, I know how draining it can be to waste time and creative energy in a repetitive, disorganized environment.

I truly think the Business Systems Overhaul will provide the practical, long-term solutions you and your team have been longing for.

The investment

The Business Systems Overhaul is priced on a sliding scale model, meaning you’ll pay somewhere between $6,000 and $7,500. The investment price will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of your organization, scope of work involved, and ability to pay. Payments will be due in whichever cadence feels most comfortable to you over our 4 months of work together β€” in monthly, biweekly, or weekly installments.

Please know, there is also flexibility in this. If you’d rather stretch out the BSO longer than 4 months in order to pay on a more manageable timeline, let’s discuss about what’s possible. I’m always more than happy to talk it out on our Discovery Call!

You’ll receive…

βœ“ A comprehensive audit of your current business systems, processes, and structures (including interviews with you and your team members)

βœ“ A project management tool build-out or re-vamp to help the right people complete the right tasks, at the right time

βœ“ Standard Operating Procedures for all of your recurring business activities, so tasks are completed at the quality you expect, without your constant oversight

βœ“ Streamlined client journeys (from inquiry to onboarding to project completion) for an elevated client experience that will keep them coming back for more AND recommending your services to their friends

βœ“ Effective communication tools between team members so y’all feel in sync, even when you’re collaborating miles and miles apart

βœ“ An organized file management system to support you and your team in finding the information they need, fast!

βœ“ Customized automation set-ups to reduce the tedious tasks that you and your team members are sinking your limited time into

βœ“ Defined sales funnels that lovingly nudge clients from the moment they hear about you to the moment they click β€œpurchase!”

βœ“ Personalized project templates for more rinse-and-repeat launches, events, and service packages

βœ“ Educational materials and Q&A to support you and your team during the adjustment to your fancy new operational systems

Let’s make Summer 2024 your smoothest season as a CEO yet.

I’m currently accepting 2 clients for the Business Systems Overhaul this Spring. Click the button below for a free, 30-minute Discovery Call to explore the possibilities together.