Hey there! I’m Sabrina.

I like to make things easier for you, your team, and your customers.

There’s more I can (and will) say about my work as a Project Manager and Online Business Operations Expert, but at the end of the day, that’s really all there is to it. I like to take a high-level look at your business and co-create solutions with you to simplify, streamline, and strengthen the behind-the-scenes of all that you do.

I believe it's possible to nurture a thriving business without sacrificing your grounding morning routine or undercutting your deeply-held values. The work itself is hard, so why not do everything we can to make the logistics easier on the nervous system?

There are three concepts that are central to the way I do this work.

Systems thinking:

Your business is an ecosystem, not an umbrella of disjointed products, services, marketing campaigns, and customer service initiatives. I believe the key to long-term, generative solutions to your current challenges is to take a step back and study the relationships between these interplaying elements.

Trauma-informed care:

Before anything else, you and your clients are human beings. That’s why I infuse principles of informed consent, transparency, collaboration, inclusion, and accessibility into my approach to operations. This is a framework I became immersed in during my time working at my local Rape Crisis Center (more on that below), and I love setting up systems and structures that center your humanity and the humanity of those you serve.

Online business operations:

Operations may not be the sexiest thing about business, but it is the key to making it more enjoyable and fruitful. We’re talking: automated workflows, standard operating procedures, client journeys, sales funnels, lead generation, information access, project management tools, and more. I’ve been told that my enthusiasm for the “tedious” can be infectious.

How I got here

Before I’d ever heard the term “systems thinking,” I was deeply fascinated by it. Here’s what I mean:

I often say that I was “raised by the Internet.” I was lucky and privileged enough to get my first laptop in the sixth grade, and then spent the next six years in my bedroom, editing and posting music videos for my favorite TV shows on YouTube and absorbing endless hours of political and fandom discourse on Tumblr.

When it was time to go to college, I chose to major in Film and Media Studies because I was captivated by how media has the power to both INFLUENCE and REFLECT cultural values. My favorite classes explored the intersection of politics, representation, and media.

At UC Irvine, I also began focusing my labor on the movement to support survivors and prevent sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. I became a peer educator on campus, then a program coordinator, and eventually was lucky enough to land a job at my local Rape Crisis Center when I graduated in 2016.

During my 5-year stint as a Sexual Assault Prevention Educator and Program Coordinator, I was obsessed with the public health approach to preventing sexual violence — working “upstream” from the problem itself, focusing on the big picture, and moving beyond the individuals to interrogate the structures they are existing within. The job shaped my understanding that all societal issues and social movements are inherently interconnected.

I was also privileged enough to witness the stories of survivors and learn about the tenets of trauma-informed care. I will always be grateful for the profound experiences and connections I made during that time.

By 2020, I expanded the initiatives and duties of my role as the Prevention Program Coordinator a little too widely (because “everything is connected!!!”). This, in combination with a global pandemic and my frustrations with many local organizations’ lackluster response to the resurgence of BLM protests, sent me head-first into total burnout.

I searched for something new, but the job hunt just felt like more of the same—majority-white boards of directors, conservative grant funders, bureaucratic hierarchies—and I would sink hours into a job application only to sit dejectedly at my laptop after pressing “submit” and wonder, “Do I even want to work there?”

For about six months, I tried to talk myself out of it because I perceived starting a business to be “way too risky” for someone like me, but the idea wouldn’t go away:

Perhaps I could dedicate my labor to people & organizations I wholeheartedly believe in, on my own terms.

In January 2022, I left my full-time RCC position and threw myself into the world of online business. That year, I did anything and everything as a Virtual Assistant for a stellar group of trauma-informed healing organizations, well-being coaches, small non-profits, and more.

The “systems thinking” corner of my brain eventually came back online, so I began to explore how I might coalesce all I know about the internet, project management, and trauma-informed care to serve business owners at a higher level.

And it’s all led here: a forever-in-progress business that focuses on operations to help business owners flourish while prioritizing sustainable growth and a commitment to their trauma-informed values.

Curious about how I might be able to support your business? Learn more about my services here.

“I could not recommend Sabrina more. I feel like every time we have a meeting, it turns into a small therapy session where I feel like she really hears me, listens, and no matter what project I have her do or help me with, the results of what she gives back is so much better than what I even envisioned or planned. And I feel like she always has very thoughtful ways something could be more accessible or inclusive. And I literally just could not recommend her services, her work, and just her as a person more.”

— Harpinder Mann, Yoga Asana, Pranayama, & Meditation Teacher

The evolving education I bring to this work…

  • BA in Film and Media Studies from UC Irvine

  • Completed 48-hour Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor and 40-hour Domestic Violence Crisis Counselor State Certification Trainings in California

  • Completion of CULTIVATE, trauma-informed space holding training with Katie Kurtz, MSW LISW-S and ongoing participation in the Trauma-Informed Leadership Studio

  • Currently enrolled in Ellie Rogers' The CEO Support Method for emerging Online Business Managers

  • Ongoing education through Pretty Decent’s The Study, an online space for building interdisciplinary skills in design thinking, launch strategy, product/service design, sales planning, and more

Think we’d be a good fit?

I invite you learn more about my services here and fill out the inquiry form below to get started.

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