Are you adding when you should be optimizing?

We're already barreling towards the end of 2024’s first month. How are you holding up amidst it all? 

As you hit the pavement to bring your visions for this year into reality, perhaps you're experiencing the friction that can come from our multitudes:

Passion, imagination, ambition, and dedication to service. 

AND a desire for spaciousness, flexibility, and tenderness (especially during this time of collective grief). 

AND consistent revenue that keeps the lights on and ideally gives us some shot at a comfortable retirement one day. 

Screenshot from Barbie (2023) of Barbie laying on the grass, looking off in the distance. The subtitle reads: [She's not dead, she's just having an existential crisis.]

I often struggle with these competing needs within my business. Two years ago, I never could have imagined how stressful it is to be the boss, employee, and stakeholder all in one body. 🥴

You can let me know if I'm wayyyy off base, but often the solutions that we jump to are additions—adding a new routine to the schedule, scoping out new vacation spots, adopting a new habit, purchasing another course.

This isn't a bad thing at all. 

But, much like our multitudes, there can come a point where all these additions bump up against the limited hours, team members, budget, and personal capacity we're working with

You might be super stoked about the idea of starting a podcast, both for the conversations themselves and the promise that it will funnel new clients into your offers. 

💡 It can be tempting to think, "THIS is the key! Once THIS is off the ground, eeeeeeverything will fall into place and I can finally relax a little." 

But if you're already struggling to keep up with your to-do list and logging off each day depleted, adding this mutli-week, labor-intensive project to the mix isn't the Miracle-Gro you're hoping for. 

❀  Maybe the next chapter of your business isn't about adding something NEW, but OPTIMIZING what you already have.  ❀

This month, I invite you to consider the resources and activities ALREADY present within your business—time, systems, revenue-generating initiatives, passion projects, team members, meetings, processes, policies, etc. 

🌱 Where might you organize to prevent time lost by searching through your inbox for the answers? 

🌱 What percentage of your day is spent putting out fires just to keep the business functional? How might you be just 5% more proactive?

🌱 How often are tasks "slipping through the cracks?" What is your current system for tracking your and your team's to-dos

🌱 What does your client onboarding process look like? Does it feel like you've done it hundreds of times AND YET it still takes forever? 

🌱 Have a convo with your VA: what recurring tasks feel tedious and repetitive? Are there any places you can streamline and automate to save them time and energy? 

You might find that you already have within your business the keys to consistent revenue and sustainable growth.

Need some support with streamlining and optimizing your business operations? Don’t get stuck in the weeds; I’m here to help. I encourage you to check out my services here.🌻


Which project management tool should you be using?


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